This page will evolve over time, so if there’s a specific term you would like to know more about, please let me know. Since these are brief explanations for the processes that I offer, I welcome your contacting me with specific questions and a complimentary consultation: info@terrieleighrelf.com or 619.269.0706 (PDT). Be sure to leave a message that includes the best times to contact you.

DreamSculpting®: A proprietary technique created by Michael Bennett of Bennett / Stellar University of Integrative Coaching and Life Transformation to manifest major life goals and life-long dreams.  This is an intense – and magical – process where you will discover what you really want, clear barriers to attaining it –  and then manifest! The entire process usually takes about 20 sessions, with between-session activities to maintain your focus and motivation as well as process emotions and insights as they arise.  You can repeat this DreamSculpting® process as many times as you want to manifest additional goals from another facet of your life.

Hypnotherapy: This is a method used to access the subconscious mind to effect change, reduce stress, release trauma, discover creative solutions, create a positive mind-set, and a multitude of other benefits. Each hypnotherapist tends to have their own style and methodology; some may use scripts while others do not.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP):  Dr. Richard Bandler co-developed this field with John Grinder, and there are a variety of exciting techniques and processes to effect change. In brief, these techniques have been designed to identify and access the primary mode(s) with which you process information (e.g., Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Olfactory/Gustatory), communicate with self and others (e.g., language patterns), and the feelings and beliefs you have around these.

NLP Hypnotherapy: This is an integrative process that combines NLP and Hypnotherapy to create lasting results. In general, a practitioner may begin with NLP techniques and then shift to hypnotherapy to access the source of core issues that may be creating blocks or otherwise preventing you from living the life you want to live.

Reiki:  A Reiki practitioner is a channel for Universal Energy. She or he is trained – and attuned – to access this energy to assist with body/mind healing, spiritual growth, and to create a stress-free life. While Reiki energy goes where it is needed, the energy can also be focused on a particular issue. Many people seek Reiki as a supplement to other medical and mental health issues.

Reiki-Infused HypnotherapyWhen you receive Reiki in conjunction with Hypnotherapy, it can heighten your experience of relaxation and healing as well as deepen your trance. In this way, it can potentially increase your ability to access – and release – core issues.

TimeLine Coaching & Trauma Release: This is another Bennett/Stellar University proprietary process to release limiting or un-resourceful beliefs, traumas, and other blocks at their source. Using hypnosis, NLP, and other techniques to go back in time to the original event (or series of related events), you are able to discover, develop, and apply resources for success.


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